Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Posted by Unknown
2 comments | 1:28 PM

"In her article on the CBS Local website, Dee Lee discussed how homeowners can save on their energy bills through energy usage discipline. The following are some of the tips she suggested: Have your furnace serviced before you need to turn it on. Include on that list your chimney flue, space heaters and the fireplace. Use a programmable thermostat and set it lower when you are asleep or not at home. Weather strip around doors and windows. It comes with a self-adhesive backing. Caulk around windows and sills. Easy to do with the new caulking guns. Insulate, insulate, insulate. Be sure your attic is insulated. Here again, this is not a hard job…just avoid falling through the ceiling when you are laying down the bats of insulation. Clear space around heat registers, appliance vents and return ducts. Remove window air conditioners or cover the unit to prevent drafts. Consider a new furnace or water heater if yours is over 15 years old. Insulate your water heater, especia


  1. Wonderful scenario to repair the Furnace. Loved your post. Thanks for sharing.
    Furnace Repair Racine

  2. Thanks for sharing your ideas and thoughts regarding on furnace repairs. Still we can't deny the fact that there are some homeowners that has a little knowledge about furnace repairs and some are very impatient, instead of repairing it they usually junk it and buy a new replacement.

    Furnace Repair Salt lake City Utah
